Monday, July 1, 2013

English Refinement Class

English Refinement Class

My first week studying English at St John`s University was great! We have had many experience in NYC.
By now I would like to express my reflection about our first classes and special one of them about "summarize". I believe that this kind of learning contributes for our writing and speaking development in English of course and even  in our own language. I mean that we as a teacher using this actitivity with our students we can help our colleagues (Portuguese Teacher).
Donna, our Professor used a good didatic sequence (chat, mingle) for working summarize. We got comfortable, spoke too much and drank a juice in our real chat!!!! We talked about "Brooklin Bridge"A lesson in a creative motivation.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with you my dear classmate. And you write very I got to understand your reflection. Cool.
