Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Botanical Garden: I’ll  Never Forget

If the communnity work was in any other day I had worked very, very happy. I enjoy cultivate land, garden’s work and volunteer work. But, the problem was the day: Saturdays are holy for me. In my whole life, I never had worked on Saturdays.  No doubt, we have to help someone. If someone needs something, I should help anyday.  When we got in the Botanical garden I didn’t know that would be a very hard work.  Then my friends started to work and I was embarassed to see them working… then I worked… not by heart! The feeling  to know that I disappointed my best Friend, my Creator, was so bad!  I cried so much. Don’t worry, I talked about it to Him and I am feeling better, but learned one lesson that I 'll never forget: You should do that your conscience said to you do, that you believe that's right! Another lesson was: When you are sad, talk about it!  Maybe someone can help you:  I talked to Soraya and I felt better. Thank you Soraya, your words helped me too much!


  1. I'm sorry to hear this, Raquel. I didn't know about this religious restriction. In the future, please let me know if you run into any similar problems.

  2. Dear Raquel, I am so sorry this happened. We were not aware of your religious restrictions about not working on Saturdays. We, and all of St. John's are dedicated to respecting all faiths. Let's talk about this and the ways to communicate needs and beliefs in English.
    Sue Peterson
    TLC, St. John's University

  3. Dear, lovely and sweet Raquel, you're right, when we're feeling down it's a good idea talking with whom can listen to us, like we did last weekend. I had some troubles and sadness during my life as well and I always had somebody near me to talk to me, to clear my ideas, and also to listen to me, and I learn that everything is the way it needs to be. Think about it. You're faithful to your LORD and HE knows about your true love or Him, so remember, everything someday can be seen by you from another point of view, and who knows, if one day you will be able to look at back that moment blessing it because you were there at that place among some friends of yours, people who like you very much, as me...Be happy, always be happy and also listen to your heart when it asks for your attention....Kisses my dear friend....
