Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Metropolitan Museum

My dream came true! When I entered in The Metropolitan Museum I felt as one of my childhood dreams had come true because since I was  a little girl I feel like going to Egypt, to know the history about the pyramids and  the Pharaohs...When I was there I  felt as if I were in the part of the Egypt, so I was so happy because part of my dream had in fact come true to me and this was the most special place I`ve known during my staying here in New York.I`ll come to my home so glad and also so thankful with this opportunity tha I`ve just had because I work in a public school....It was very important to me because it had being  in my blood for a long time and now I think part of that dream was possible....


  1. Soraya I really noticed how happy you were at Museum, you were so excited that you looked like a child when they get a new gift.The Museum was an amazing surprise for me as well. I enjoyed it a lot.

  2. It's nice to know that a special dream was transformed in reality. I was there with you and I saw how happy you were.

    Was really wonderful!!........ It was a dream of mine too.

    1. Lovely and sweet roommate, in fact my whole family was so happy as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Soraya, I felt the same that you when I saw this part of the Metropolitan Museum. What a wonderful feeling!
