Sunday, July 28, 2013

My English Classes

Teaching or learning? What do you do more?
Teaching is not so easy and nor always is the learning as well. Being here in New York during these last 5 weeks with so many competent professionals gave me on sure; to teach we need to like what we intend to do because when we do this with love it isn't just a job anymore, because we are able to engage people in the learning and teaching process without fears, and shames or what else. The importance is in the fact that to teach firstly, we need to know how to learn too because all the moments in our lives in which we are teaching we are also learning with all those who passing for us during our lives....I've learning a lot since I've arrived here, not only to speak and to write English language in a better or in a accurate way , bu t specially I've been learning how I can be a better person in a better world, trying to be a loyal and a thankful person each day I am able to breath, to open my eyes to see the  beauty of the colored gardens or to smell the different smellings...This is the most important learning to me during my whole life. Learning each day to be a better person to try to change this world in a better place too. I try to do my part every days cause when I pass by I'll sure my job in this place  was really done with my best and so I can feel I was  a good and an honor person too.

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