Thursday, July 11, 2013

Brooklyn Bridge and American Museum of Nature History.

This day was very nice, my friend Lindomar and me decided to go running from St. Jonh`s University till Brooklyn Bridge. It was very nice cause we`ve already read about the Bridge in our Enlish Classes, and how difficult it was in that time to built a bridge , the workes had face a lot of problems during the construction of the Bridge, but finally on May 24, 1883, The Brooklyn Bridge was opened. When we got there, we felt very happy and we saw a lot of people running over there. Indeed the people here in New York like running and I will be back here as soon as possible to take part in a Marathon.
Me and my friends visited two Museums in New York, The American Museum of Nature History and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Everybody were so happy and excited cause both Museums are so huge and amazing. We spent many hours there trying to look as much as our eyes could reach, but is impossible to see everthing. I loved the animals at American Museum of Nature History, they seem so real and we took so many pics there, at Met we saw a lot of masterpieces from different parts of the world, it was incredible and everybody enjoyed  both Museums.


  1. I agree with you Rafael when you say that`s impossible seeing everything in the museums because they are very big and very interesting as well.

  2. That's great Rafael! you enjoyed a lot. It is very important for us discover The world and your photos were fantastic !

  3. yes, the Brooklyn Bridge is a beautiful landmark and the history about its construction is very interesting.

    I didn't go there, but I want to go before come back to Brazil, of course.

    And you, Rafael, are invited for being my guide, but no running! rsrsrs

    1. You should go there before you leave this amazing city Rosiane, just let me know when are you planning to go there and I will go with my friend. Kisses.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'll know the Brooklyn Bridge today later. Let's go with me, my friend. You'll run and I'll go by bike. Okay?
