Monday, July 15, 2013

ESL Classroom Observations - Manhattan High School

Last week we visited a High School and I could follow for about 1 hour the teacher's work in a classroom of Englis as a Second Language for teenagers in New York. I can make some comparisons between the Brazilian Public Schools governad by the City Hall, the differences observed in relation to the physical structure and technological which are:  the classrooms of Manhattan High School  have adequate weathering with central air-conditioning, good lighting, comfortable desks with good quality; cabinets for storing books, printer, a big television, projector, projection screen and clock on the wall. About methodology the teacher writes few words on the board, saving time because she uses the resources it has, distributing copies of the texts and the subject that will be taught, the number of students (total 16) also helps to raise the quality of education. Everyone has the time to express their ideas and doubts.


  1. This comparison is interesting, Julia. I hope that the Brazilian government will begin to invest more money in classroom facilities and technology.

  2. The public school here in New York is very different from our school in Brazil Julia. Maybe before we get retire we can see something similar this one...It my dream...
