Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I have learned a lot during these days I've stayed in NYC. Professor Ann is doing a great job with us and making us feel much more "comfortable" with English Language. Everyday she brings something different to the class to promote speaking and interaction. I'm so visual and kinesthetic at the same time and I love doing activities that make me go around. 

Today we talked about music and we could listen some country musics of famous artists from U.S. I do love country music because they express feelings and also brings our feelings out. They compose songs that talk about their own life, childhood, family and make us to remember of ourselves and see us in that song as well. 

The course is coming to an end and  we're gonna back to our homes and also to our schools to share and spread what we've learned and experienced in New York City, specially, what we've learned at St John's Univesity from this great team who conducted all the activities we've done.

I'm not saying goodbye yet! 

Posted by Rosana Morales.

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