Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My last post before going back to BRAZIL!

Hi Everyone!

This last week in Manhattan I have been so busy. I presented my weebly to our advisor Aaron Royer and we also had the presence of Sue Peterson. She went to take a look on our presentations. I was not so worried as I was in Ann Marie final presentation.  I am satisfied with my job. In spite of my voice problems I tried to do my best to improve my pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. I am very happy!

Weebly Presentation

Ann Marie has done a great job with her Brazilian students. She's an excellent professor. I have to confess that at the beginning of our classes I thought she was trying to save my voice because she didn't make me read as I wanted to. But I didn't give up because I'm so talkative and I came here to speak a lot even when I don't understand the She taught us many interesting subjects I'll gonna share with the English teachers from Tocantins State, specially idioms and the suggested activities using games. 
Thanks Ann Marie for making all efforts to help us improving our English using different and creative ways. I'm gonna miss you a lot!

ERC: Final presentation

Today morning we had another different class. I felt like a teen doing a funny activity to review  and practice vocabulary. Be sure I'm gonna share it because all activities like that are so interesting to make students learn better. The workshops were very good specially the one about pronunciation by Joyce Mandell.. Today afternoon we had our last workshop with Diana. She worked a little bit with "American Slang".  I love her way of teaching because she organize her ideas and control the time to make things happen the way she plans. She's an example to many English Teachers who go to the classroom without planning the activities the're gonna do with the students.

Posted by Rosana Morales.



  1. You`re really a talkative person Rosana! But this is good! You`re a nice and friendly person! I loved to meet you!

  2. Lisa Linda Bortoline...Thank u! Hope to keep in contact with you! Be sure I'll never forget our great time together. Love u my friend!
