Thursday, July 25, 2013

I spent a ball weekend in a host family, with Berenice, her husband Bob, their daughter  Jennyfer and Andrea, Jennyfer`s friend. I never taught that I knew places and people like I could know in this weekend. It  was a long calm trip, about 2 and a half hours from Manhattan. We certainlly were welcomed with a delicious breakfast and after that a swimming pool bath. On Sunday we walked around the neighborhood and we could see beautifull houses and the Long Island Sound, then the beach. In the afternoon, we  went to a sightseeing  to know some vinyards and Greenport.


  1. I think that you have much fun there Lisa, and this part of the program is very important for us cause we`ve the opportunit to keep in touch with an American family and their way of life. I know that this experience will be unforgettable for u, kisses.

  2. It was an amazing weekend! I enjoyed a lot, specially because I was with good friends like you Lisa.
