Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Soraya before and after staying in New York City

My last post is specially written to express my thankful words and my best wishes to all you whom now are in my life. My friends, my lovely and best teacher Ann Marie and also the other ones who were with us during our stayin here,Sue, Diana, Cherry, Len, my advisor Aaron Royer, my memories, all my memories...I lived some moments here with you all which I'm sure were some of the best ones in my whole life. My mornings with my friends and with the  sweetest and also the most professional teacher I've already had Ann Marie will be always in my mind. Her classes so well prepared, the strategies, the games, the idiomatic expressions ans the most important, Ann Marie's caring with us...Always so patience, so calm and so competent. I love being here with you...My conversations classes were fantastic cause I talk, talk and talk more without feeling shame os fear  of saying or pronounciating and wrong word...Thank you all, thank you...My friends, my special and different friends  form all the parts of Brazil, thank you a lot for listening to me so talkative all the time, thank you for all. Thank you Rose, Edson, Marcia, Mauricio for listening to my tears during the presentation of The Phantom of the Opera. I'll be back to my home and to my family extremely happy because I had three  dreams of mine which came true here in New York, the first one was to be abroad to listen to the people speaking te language I teach in another country; the second , I met one part of Egypt on MET and it was fantastic to me; the third one was that I could watch The Phantom of the Opera here, at Broadway. Watching to it was a very old dreaming  of mine too...Singing the beginning of one of my favourite songs which is MY WAY I'd like to say to you all...And now the end is near,And so I face the final curtain, My friend, I'll say it clear" that I won't never forget you...You'll be always on my mind with a special place in my heart....Thank you for all...Bunches of hugs and kisses to you and I hope someday meet you again...

1 comment:

  1. Beloved! I'm gonna miss you a lot! You're are so kind and talkative and these are good quatilies in a person. Hope to keep our friendship, relationship..all "ships" related to amizade!hahahahaha...Love u!
