Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The 1980's.

The last task for me was the most important activity of all PDPI program. Ann Marie divided the class in four groups three of three and one of four students. She gave each group a decade (60's,70's,80's and 90's) to present the principal facts, songs and movies ocurred in the USA in those time. All students had to explain because the professor was analizing our pronunciation, our posture in front of the class, the correct accent of the words. All groups contributed with value information.It was an informative, interesting,participative and most of the students had the opportunity to show the class all the talents that they had inside them.The other point that the students were evaluated one by one. Everybody had to speak with or without the feeling called:nervous. Congratulations, class!

1 comment:

  1. Your presentation was excellent! You explained very well and know how to lead your drill.Congratulacions!
