Monday, July 22, 2013

 Museum of the American Indians

Last Friday we had a cultural excursion to the Museum of the American Indians. It was really nice! Since its founding in 1989, this museum has augmented Heye's collection with 15,000 pieces of modern and contemporany Native art. Among these pieces we can see sculpture, paintings, pottery, dolls, textiles and jewelry.
Along the rooms we  could have a full interaction with the works. We  listened to musics, watched clips and read about the American Indian life.
The picture below  shows us a mechanical mask from the Northwest part of Vancouver Island. The natives worn it for ceremonies, dances and storytelling.It representes a sea monster.

Another interesting song I listened in this ocasion was the song "Universal Soldier" by Buffly Sainte- Marie. As I loved it so much, I'd like to share it with all my friends:

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