Monday, July 22, 2013


I always thought about go to a host family's house... It was more one dream realized.
I'm not an outgoing people, I believe that I'm a little shy. (lol)
Sometimes I don't talk to someone without he/she talk to me first...principally if I don't know him/her...
But this experience was so good... I knew a wonderful woman named Valerie, so sweet, intelligent, kind ... and her bird Shadow... I knew Mrs. Cantarella's family and her daughter's dog too. It was a good Saturday afternoon/evening with them. We arrived there at 4 o'clock and came back at 8:30 p.m.
We talked about many things from Brazil and New York.
We drank wine, ate some snacks. For dinner we had an American typical dinner, drank juice and water, and had cheesecake for dessert.
This experience is so important for me. Every thing that I know or see in New York, each people, each new friends, will be with me forever in my mind!

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