Friday, August 23, 2013

E.M. Tertuliano Meirelles shows the Play: "Top of The Rock"

It's the beginning about my Weebly production. One of my first classes after I arrived New York. I showed a video and some photos of my amazing trip in NYC. How I realized that my students liked, so I propose a Role Play Game. And the final work them, sincerely, let me astonish.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

               I won't forget Donna's Classes

I really enjoyed stay here in New York...
I really liked the way the teacher Donna led classes. I really needed this constant formation to improve my teaching practice. I'm happy to have had this opportunity. I am very grateful to all of the University for having treated me so respectful and loving. I really enjoyed the workshops worked by Professor Diana Schoolman. Meanly the workshop about Poetry. Speaking of poetry is not easy, but it is enjoyable. I also liked the way Diana led our tour of the National Museum of the Indian. I had never thought about working as a tour she led. Perfect. Working Lesson Plan to post it on Weebly was gratifying for me and it will be for my students. Well, now I've learned to work with it, I don’t want to abandon it. The Lesson Plan that I prepared will be applied in Brazil. Because of the health problems I've been having throughout this trip, I was unable to visit as many places as other colleagues, but I’m ok... God knows what He makes. But everywhere I went I was very happy. Despite having to confess that I was feeling a lot of pain on my feet in all of these. But, at the next opportunity I will certainly be better. I’d like to say goodbye to you all and I am glad to have known you.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today, our course has finished ! For me It was a great opportunity to learn a lot, specially because I discovered " a New world ", a world full of technology and methodology. We had good classes, we created a Blogger and the most important thing we improved our English!!!
Thanks God! I realized one of my dreams!!!!!
now, I would like to repeat a part of Barack Obama´s speech." Change will not come if we wait for some  other person or for some other time.We are the ones we have been waiting that we seek"
Barack Obama, President of The United States of America
February 05,2008
Best wishes !


What could I say about our trip in New York?  I think I feel how almost everyone here in PDPI group! I`m very happy to be here, grateful for dedicated professors, coordinators and all people from St John’s we met here, because we sure learnt a lot with them.  I think that was a wonderful opportunity, mainly to learn about American culture, because we are here, living and breathing the "American air". About the refinement classes: they were wonderful! Donna Moski, my professor, gave us many opportunities to practice our speaking, and she gave us the feedback we wanted.  Because, for me, the most difficult skills are speaking and listening.
St John`s and New York City will make me feel “saudades” (a specific Brazilian word that means: “a sad or happy hard feeling that some people have when miss someone or something”)

New York Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts in the Park

It is difficult to describe our feelings at The Central Park listening to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. A sublime moment in the amazing place.
All people together, families, youth, older people with their blankets on the ground with foods, drinks. Every one sharing a minimal space. So cool!!!
You could have a trip on the ground because the music in your mind and even the trees looked like were paralyzed with the music. It was so magic.


The importance of knowing museums.

The culture of a people is their wealth.

Visit museums is indeed a valuable educational experience. We have visited The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) and we had a great trip to the past especially Rome and Egypt. We could see in each piece, the cultural richness expressed in each work.
This visit has provided great relevance in the use of museums as didactic tool in our classes.

An amazing teacher!

I have studied english in many school, which they are considered top bananas, but I never had a teacher who was blue in the face me . I learnt too much in her classes. Her classes are so originals. They awakened my passion for teaching again. I was in the black in the Ann's classes. Teacher Ann gets to development of both speaking abilities and the creative abilities. Abilities, which I believe that I had forgotten. I out of the blue do not cry up anyone, because I'm not an outgoing guy. However I left my last post as a tribute to the classes of Professor Ann. That's why, I wish for you my dear Ann all happiness of the world, long life and prosperity forever teacher. Your classes opened my eyes to others possibilities to teach. I celebrate you teacher Ann by your simplicity and wisdom. See ya, Lindomar Lima
Workshop - Aaron Royer
Weebly Webesite

Our students of foreign language learners (English) had a little or none opportunity to use the target language outside the classroom acquired linguistic knowledge, but the internet has changed this reality with a huge variety of productions that integrate sounds, images, videos with subtitles and more. This makes us think (teachers) to use theses tools in our classes. With the Weebly website will help immensely so we can put a spice in our classes and motivation to the students. 
Marcia Rejane

Summarizing our Refinement Classes

I've enjoyed a lot during our six weeks. Just to remember...

             In the first week, I confess I was a little afraid, but our professor  Donna Moski- a very kind person- did her best and all the time tried to make us feel comfortable and happy bringing some munchies for us. Of course we crave them and thought" PDPI is really a booming business". Soon we had to catch-up her rhythm studying hard. Some weeks later, our group became the cream of the crap in our Refinement classes.
On streets (without comments) many bucks were spent with so many good deals! Every day we had to face long lines and, -if you can believe- nobody jumping ahead!
            In our final presentation I saw everybody hayseed watching the videos and listening to the songs. Sometimes we giggled talking during the classes and  that way we learned a new expression: "shame on you"!
            I'm already missing a lot everything I did, lived, saw and learned here in Manhattan. Our classes were really a special opportunity for my growth  and if someone ask me if I'm fill of New York city, you can be sure the answer will be NO, NO, NO.
When I arrive home I’ll be  burn-out, but proud and happy because I got a rise out it!! You bet!!
            I thank you all, my classmates  Roseli, Marise, Edsom, Simone, Márcia, Júlia, Edilaine, Luciane, Liza, Jamile and Alice. I especially thank you Donna and all those that contributed for this unique experience became a reality!    



Wednesday, July 31, 2013

For you that believe in God

I would like that my last post was very special. For this, I will start writing about some years ago. God, using a man's mouth , told me that one day I would cross the country's frontier. I believed and put that words in my heart. But, I confess, I couldn't imagine that I would be here in New York. This was only a dream when I joked with my friends. But our words have power and God can makes everything in our lives.
Now, I'm here. I made new friends and colleagues, improve my vocabulary, knew new places, and so on. 
Of course that everything here wasn't only happiness. We had good and hard days.
Now, our time here is finishing and in our country wait for us our family and friends, but, also, our students. I'm sure that we'll come back to Brazil better than when we arrived here.
Here, I had different feelings according a place that I was visiting. My first visit was in a memorial. I was thrilled. when I heard the water falling down into the pool, I could heard the sound of a lot of crying. I was very sad. My impression was that I was together with victims's families and friends.
In another moments, I was astonished with places that I visited how Central Park, Moma, Public Library, Metropolitan Museum, etc. beyond workshops and english refinement classes. For this reason, It's impossible for me choose only one place or one thing to talk about. Then, I will prepare one class to talk, in short, about each wonderful place that I visited here and about my classes, too. I'll talk to them about the importance of speaking english in a globalized world and I' sure thatthis will be the start of the new way to teach and learn english. 

PDPI program

What I´ve learned at St. John´s University with the PDPI program...It´s not difficult to say, as a Top Banana, I learned about friendship, I knew at St. John´s there are Profissional Professors that understand what the pupil wants. The Professor tries, till the student learn, It´s a good thing. If you do a mistake, no problem, the professor says _ I will help you to improve your English. I´d like to thanks all the professors: Aaron, Ann, Donna, Su, Diana and Pan. Mainly Ann, my language teacher..She is wise. I remember a lesson, the third lesson, and the easiest to do a little book talking about the landmarks in US, I invented the caracter "Little Potato'", the lesson was great. I intend to do this lesson with my students. I think this activity they will develop their creativity with the  use of adjectives more properly. That was wonderful time.

The symbol of NY

When I return to Brazil, I'll share with my students the expectation that I had to know the great symbol of the USA and certainly the greatest symbol of NY.
Unfortunately for me it wasn't possible to see close (I think that tourists should have the right to go up to it, even during periods of reform, because not go through there is a frustrating experience). It's the same when someone visit the Rio de Janeiro and not go until the Monument of Christ the Redeemer or go to Manaus and not go to the Amazon Theater.
I went there twice. First I went to the Statue Liberty Park in New Jersey but the access bridge was banned, another time I went by boat but can't stop it.
I believe that everyone coming to NY wishes to visit the Statue of Liberty.

The 1980's.

The last task for me was the most important activity of all PDPI program. Ann Marie divided the class in four groups three of three and one of four students. She gave each group a decade (60's,70's,80's and 90's) to present the principal facts, songs and movies ocurred in the USA in those time. All students had to explain because the professor was analizing our pronunciation, our posture in front of the class, the correct accent of the words. All groups contributed with value information.It was an informative, interesting,participative and most of the students had the opportunity to show the class all the talents that they had inside them.The other point that the students were evaluated one by one. Everybody had to speak with or without the feeling called:nervous. Congratulations, class!

My feelings about the PDPI Program.

The PDPI program will be unforgettable for me. First, because through it I realized a dream; second, because the classes and workshops we had were very meaningful and helped me to improve the skills of listening, speaking and intonation. After this course, I will be a successful person both in personal and professional life.

I am confident that when I arrive in Brazil I can give more than 60% of classes in English,  my students can  access the weebly to post in the blog, do homework and watch videos. Also, I intend to develop a project focused on student learning because they still cannot communicate in the English language.
Now, I need  to thank the professors  Moski Donna, Ann Marie and Diana Schoolman,  the director Pamela Fairman, the assistant director Sue Peterson, the coordinator Aaron Royer and Miss. Cherry Chen because they are people who deserve our respect and our admiration to.
Thank you all.
Your friend,

Marise Schneider

A wonderful sunset!

            Yesterday was a hard day: presentations and class all day. At the end of the day I was so tense that my whole body was aching! Nothing like a good walking! So, I went to High Line! 
          The High Line is a New York City Park maintained and supported by friends of the High Line. It is a beautiful place and I saw the sunset! Amazing! I walked a lot and I could take many pictures there! Unforgettable!

Things that I learned

I don't know how to explain in words how important it was this opportunity in my life, but of course, it has changed my life.
I might add that there were some situations here,  that no words in any language can describe what my eyes have seen or what I have felt. But I know, that I have the power ( after all, I am a teacher) to change my lessons in class using those new information and try to show to my student that they must believe that all knowledge in the world is not enough,  I believe that I'll be a multiplier. A multiplier of all values ​​that I learned here, to try to teach to my students every single thing that I have lived here.

High Line Park

I think that I have a huge connection with the Americans and  henceforth I will create a link full of new ideas in my classroom between American and my students. All things considered, I would like to thank all my university professors for giving me the necessary support for the knowledge acquired.

My last post before going back to BRAZIL!

Hi Everyone!

This last week in Manhattan I have been so busy. I presented my weebly to our advisor Aaron Royer and we also had the presence of Sue Peterson. She went to take a look on our presentations. I was not so worried as I was in Ann Marie final presentation.  I am satisfied with my job. In spite of my voice problems I tried to do my best to improve my pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. I am very happy!

Weebly Presentation

Ann Marie has done a great job with her Brazilian students. She's an excellent professor. I have to confess that at the beginning of our classes I thought she was trying to save my voice because she didn't make me read as I wanted to. But I didn't give up because I'm so talkative and I came here to speak a lot even when I don't understand the She taught us many interesting subjects I'll gonna share with the English teachers from Tocantins State, specially idioms and the suggested activities using games. 
Thanks Ann Marie for making all efforts to help us improving our English using different and creative ways. I'm gonna miss you a lot!

ERC: Final presentation

Today morning we had another different class. I felt like a teen doing a funny activity to review  and practice vocabulary. Be sure I'm gonna share it because all activities like that are so interesting to make students learn better. The workshops were very good specially the one about pronunciation by Joyce Mandell.. Today afternoon we had our last workshop with Diana. She worked a little bit with "American Slang".  I love her way of teaching because she organize her ideas and control the time to make things happen the way she plans. She's an example to many English Teachers who go to the classroom without planning the activities the're gonna do with the students.

Posted by Rosana Morales.


Soraya before and after staying in New York City

My last post is specially written to express my thankful words and my best wishes to all you whom now are in my life. My friends, my lovely and best teacher Ann Marie and also the other ones who were with us during our stayin here,Sue, Diana, Cherry, Len, my advisor Aaron Royer, my memories, all my memories...I lived some moments here with you all which I'm sure were some of the best ones in my whole life. My mornings with my friends and with the  sweetest and also the most professional teacher I've already had Ann Marie will be always in my mind. Her classes so well prepared, the strategies, the games, the idiomatic expressions ans the most important, Ann Marie's caring with us...Always so patience, so calm and so competent. I love being here with you...My conversations classes were fantastic cause I talk, talk and talk more without feeling shame os fear  of saying or pronounciating and wrong word...Thank you all, thank you...My friends, my special and different friends  form all the parts of Brazil, thank you a lot for listening to me so talkative all the time, thank you for all. Thank you Rose, Edson, Marcia, Mauricio for listening to my tears during the presentation of The Phantom of the Opera. I'll be back to my home and to my family extremely happy because I had three  dreams of mine which came true here in New York, the first one was to be abroad to listen to the people speaking te language I teach in another country; the second , I met one part of Egypt on MET and it was fantastic to me; the third one was that I could watch The Phantom of the Opera here, at Broadway. Watching to it was a very old dreaming  of mine too...Singing the beginning of one of my favourite songs which is MY WAY I'd like to say to you all...And now the end is near,And so I face the final curtain, My friend, I'll say it clear" that I won't never forget you...You'll be always on my mind with a special place in my heart....Thank you for all...Bunches of hugs and kisses to you and I hope someday meet you again...

High Line

Yesterday we could see one more great American landmark. I always get impressed! How American people create different and wonderful ways to reuse things, places, etc..
High Line was a part of a large rail, built between 1929 and 1934, to lift dangerous freight trains from Manhattan`s streets. By 1980 the trains had stopped running and by 2002 the high line was transformed into a public landscape as unusual and enexpected as it is.

The Brooklyn Bridge!

It's so receptive, beautiful, graceful and elegant. Many people walk, ride a bike, go to work, run, talk with friends across the bridge. It's a nice and a wonderful experience. Go there in the morning and feel the wind alonside your body do not have money to pay and no words to express how good is this feeling. Thanks are given to John Roebling and his family because he made his dreams, to build a bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan, come true.


This is my last week in New York City. I learnt a lot with my new friends, Professors and Coordinators. My classes were very interesting, and the Professor Donna helped me very much. I believe that I improved my English, I can listen and think better in English.
Some of the workshop was good, but I think that the time worked wasn't enough.
What I will use in my English classes is the Blog and the movel Facebook.
Almost of my students don't like to study English, they think that they don't need to learn another language. I'm always trying to use new strategies, games, songs, differents activities to do the best for them. How I know the teenagers and youngs love to use the internet, I will work with them creating a blog and they will should write on it, and write something about a friend too.
The biggest challenge will be to face or accept the education system. In my State, in my City, we have just one class a week and I have 27 differents classes to work.  The worst problem is, even though my English students don't know anything, even though he hasn't reached the proper note to change the grade, I can't hold him/her at the same grade.
Unfortunately, the English Teachers sometimes want to do a good job but they can't, because they don't have a professional recognition, but I won't give up, I like to teach, I love to be a teacher, and now with this opportunity that I had to stay here, I will do the best for my students.
Thanks Fulbright, Capes and St. John's University. Thanks my family, my husband, my three little daughters that are waiting for me.


                    To talk about the most important class here is very hard to me, because, in my opinion all classes that I had at St. Johns University have been very important. I loved workshops, conversation classes, lab classes and my refinement classes too. But, I can`t fail to mention that specially my refinement classes with Dona were really amazing. I am enchanted with her different method to teach English. Her classes are dynamic, funny and interesting. I`m sure that I improved my knowledge in English. Another class that I consider super important was my LAB classes with  advisor Aaron Royer.He was really attentive and patient with me and my classmates in teaching Weebly Project.It certainly will be very useful for my professional life as teacher. So, I just have to thank a lot all the St. Johns` Professors for this unforgettable experience and congratulate all our PDPI`s Professors.  I go back to Brazil, but I`ll miss everything and everyone!


" I celebrate myself" Walt Whitman birthplace.

"I celebrate myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul " Their words begins "Leaves on the Grass"one the most famous book of American History Literature. And I had a chance to know the birthplace of Walt Whitman considered by several scholarships as the american shakespeare. Whitman was one of precursors of free verse. I was very happy to see many places such as schools, mall, road and a service bus with Walt Whitman's name. It is a undoubted prove that United States,specifically, New York care about their poets.