Sunday, June 30, 2013

I learned in this week...

Hello, everybody!

This is the first time that I write in a blog. So, keep calm! This will be cool to me, certainly.

During this first week of studies in NY, we study techniques to paraphrase and summarize texts, reading strategies, idiomatic expressions and the correct pronunciation of verbs in the Simple Past.

Our teacher, Donna, has a lot of patience with us.

Personally, I'm still feeling difficulty to understand and be understood. My listening is not so good, but I hope this reality change with the passing of weeks, or rather, until the next week.



  1. Hi Lu,
    Don`t worry, be happy.
    We are here to learn and share experience.
    Everything is going be right. Trust it.


  2. Hi Lu, you're doing very well! Be sure! We are here to exchange experience and improving our English. Let's do our best for it!!

  3. Hi Lu! I have many difficulties with my speaking and listening like you, but I think we have to try, and try, and try until we can understand and be understood for everybody. Let`s do our best!!!
    See you dear!
