Friday, June 28, 2013

'' Dreams come True !"

Hi everybody!

I am Irley Palmeira.I have worked as a teacher in a public school in Brazil for about ten years.
When I was a child I had many different dreams,one of them was to speak English and if it was possible I would visited The United States of America .Finally , like a famous speech in my country  " Dreams can True " I am here, in New York ,one of the most famous city in the world.I thank to Fulbright commission in Brazil, Embassy of the United Staes of America and Capes for this opportunity. I am sure I´m gonna learn so much because I am in a good university,St.John´s.
Last weekend I visited St.Paul Church, it was used as a center for relief of rescue worked when happened the terrible attacks to Twin Towers in September 11, 2001.
The chapel is great and I could feel peace inside it. God protects America!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,Irley...I was so very as a teacher... now I'm happier than March 9th, when I did the test... We are in a wonderful University and this opportunity should be appreciate by all the English teachers... but only we are here and We have to be the best teacher, and we will be more than we were...
