Friday, June 28, 2013

Cultural Excursion tour of New York Public Library

Today we did a Cultural Excursion tour of New York Public Library and the surroundings. There we had a wonderful explanation of the history and about the function.
I chose this picture, taken at Bryant Park (near the Library),  because it's shows us the beauty of the architecture of the buildings in New York and also the difference cultural and education of the people that keep the conservation buildings and clean streets and parks.Unfortunately in the Brazil cities are dirty and the buildings all defaced. This is a clash of civilization.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia,

    You will continue to see exquisite buildings- new and old- as you wander around the city! For example, The New York Times Building on West 41st St. is considered a "green" building and most of the steel used in its construction is recycled!
