Friday, August 23, 2013

E.M. Tertuliano Meirelles shows the Play: "Top of The Rock"

It's the beginning about my Weebly production. One of my first classes after I arrived New York. I showed a video and some photos of my amazing trip in NYC. How I realized that my students liked, so I propose a Role Play Game. And the final work them, sincerely, let me astonish.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

               I won't forget Donna's Classes

I really enjoyed stay here in New York...
I really liked the way the teacher Donna led classes. I really needed this constant formation to improve my teaching practice. I'm happy to have had this opportunity. I am very grateful to all of the University for having treated me so respectful and loving. I really enjoyed the workshops worked by Professor Diana Schoolman. Meanly the workshop about Poetry. Speaking of poetry is not easy, but it is enjoyable. I also liked the way Diana led our tour of the National Museum of the Indian. I had never thought about working as a tour she led. Perfect. Working Lesson Plan to post it on Weebly was gratifying for me and it will be for my students. Well, now I've learned to work with it, I don’t want to abandon it. The Lesson Plan that I prepared will be applied in Brazil. Because of the health problems I've been having throughout this trip, I was unable to visit as many places as other colleagues, but I’m ok... God knows what He makes. But everywhere I went I was very happy. Despite having to confess that I was feeling a lot of pain on my feet in all of these. But, at the next opportunity I will certainly be better. I’d like to say goodbye to you all and I am glad to have known you.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Today, our course has finished ! For me It was a great opportunity to learn a lot, specially because I discovered " a New world ", a world full of technology and methodology. We had good classes, we created a Blogger and the most important thing we improved our English!!!
Thanks God! I realized one of my dreams!!!!!
now, I would like to repeat a part of Barack Obama´s speech." Change will not come if we wait for some  other person or for some other time.We are the ones we have been waiting that we seek"
Barack Obama, President of The United States of America
February 05,2008
Best wishes !


What could I say about our trip in New York?  I think I feel how almost everyone here in PDPI group! I`m very happy to be here, grateful for dedicated professors, coordinators and all people from St John’s we met here, because we sure learnt a lot with them.  I think that was a wonderful opportunity, mainly to learn about American culture, because we are here, living and breathing the "American air". About the refinement classes: they were wonderful! Donna Moski, my professor, gave us many opportunities to practice our speaking, and she gave us the feedback we wanted.  Because, for me, the most difficult skills are speaking and listening.
St John`s and New York City will make me feel “saudades” (a specific Brazilian word that means: “a sad or happy hard feeling that some people have when miss someone or something”)

New York Philharmonic Orchestra Concerts in the Park

It is difficult to describe our feelings at The Central Park listening to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. A sublime moment in the amazing place.
All people together, families, youth, older people with their blankets on the ground with foods, drinks. Every one sharing a minimal space. So cool!!!
You could have a trip on the ground because the music in your mind and even the trees looked like were paralyzed with the music. It was so magic.


The importance of knowing museums.

The culture of a people is their wealth.

Visit museums is indeed a valuable educational experience. We have visited The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) and we had a great trip to the past especially Rome and Egypt. We could see in each piece, the cultural richness expressed in each work.
This visit has provided great relevance in the use of museums as didactic tool in our classes.

An amazing teacher!

I have studied english in many school, which they are considered top bananas, but I never had a teacher who was blue in the face me . I learnt too much in her classes. Her classes are so originals. They awakened my passion for teaching again. I was in the black in the Ann's classes. Teacher Ann gets to development of both speaking abilities and the creative abilities. Abilities, which I believe that I had forgotten. I out of the blue do not cry up anyone, because I'm not an outgoing guy. However I left my last post as a tribute to the classes of Professor Ann. That's why, I wish for you my dear Ann all happiness of the world, long life and prosperity forever teacher. Your classes opened my eyes to others possibilities to teach. I celebrate you teacher Ann by your simplicity and wisdom. See ya, Lindomar Lima